372 L I G H T. Jefus, the true, eternal LIGHT, Brightnefs without a Shade, Hath o'er the wide chaötic Night His lucid Grace difplay'd. Once, in this Night, by Storms oppreft, My weary Spirit try'd To feek on rolling Billows Reít, And Firmnefs on the Tide. I Joys purfued where Sorrows flow; I courted Eafe from Pains; I dream'd that Heav'n from Earth might grow, And Freedom fport in Chains. Cheated, yet fond to dream, my Mind Urg'd on the mad Career, Blind as the Moles, to WISDOM blind, As Adders, deaf to hear. Then the great SUN, through all the Cloud, With gracious Splendor II-lone:, My Heart with filent Gladnefs bow'd, And felt its Horrors gone. The VVo2D almighty bade me rife: I left my Sleep of Sin ; I fought my Relt above the Skies, And (trove to enter in. KEEPER.