Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

K E E P E R. 373 K. EE P E R. THIS Name may properly finifh the prefent Volume of Effays ; becaufe it implies a Dodrine, which lies at the Root of every Chriftian's Hope, Comfort, and Experience; namely, the Dodrine of the final Perfe- verance of all the Eled People of GOD. The Pfalmift, in celebrating the Praifesof the LORD, of fares the Church, that JEHOVAH is her KEEPER. * He then defcribes, how the LORD keeps her. JEHOVAH is thy Shade upon thy Right Hand. The Sun (hall not finite thee by Day ; nor the Moon by Night. JEHOVAH (hall PRESERVE thee from ALL EVIL: He (hall PRESERVE thy SouL.. JEHOVAH/hall preferve thy going out and thy coming in {i, e. in all the Circumftances and Avocations of Life], from this Time forth and for evermore. Two principal Points are alerted in theft., precious Words. T. JEHOVAH, and JEHOVAH alone, the omnipotent and felf-exiftent GOD, is the KEEPER and PRESERVER of his People. a. The People of GOD are kept, at all Times and in all Circumftances, by his mighty Power unto everlafting Salvation : Theyare preferved evenfor ever- more. In thefirfi Particular, the Divinity , of the great KEEPER is declared and in the fecond, the eternal Se- curity of his People through his Omnipotence and Faithfulness, - This was the Pfalmf's Gofpel. He Kahn cxxi, 5, t¢e.. B b 3 preached