Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

37.4 K E E P S R. preached it to others ;' and he felt it himfelf; He did not fpeculate upon what he dici not underftand but he had a clear Evidence, and a fweet Perception of thefe two glorious DcE nines, which he delivered to the Peo- ple. Shall i (lays he) lift up mine Eyes to the Hills ? Shall I look to creased Cbje ts, or to created Power? Whence Jbould my Help come? ` He chearfully anfwers : My l.eln cometh from JEHOVAH, who made Heaven and Earth; from Hirn, who is GOD over all, bleffed for. ever. Upon this foundation, and upon this alone, he could add ; !-Ie' ill notfifer thy Foot to be moved; He that keepeth thei will not fumber. .lebo7d [Obferve, and mark it well], He that keepeth Ifrael, fhall neitherAm- ber norfleep. O precious Hymn of yet more precious Truth I O that it were as delightful to the Reader's Heart, as it was to the Heart of hint who wrote it ! Then, like the Pfalrnift's, his Meditation would befweet, and be would be glad in JEHOVAH, t and in JEHOVAH alone. He would be glad in JEHOVAH; for 'he would fee, that none but JEHgvAx could keep and preferoe his Soul. PIe would perceive, withunerring Demonftration, that, in wreftling againft Principalities, 'againft Powers, againft the Rulers of the Darknefs of this World, againftfpiritual Wickednefs in high Places, as well as againft Flefh and Blood; it. would be impoflìble for him to ftand a Moment (and much lefs to ftand and prevail to the End), if the ARM; that upheld him, were lefs than divine. He is convinced of it, as of an indifputable Poiñt ; that He, who can fupport all his People, through all their Difficulties, and in every Moment and in all ages of the World; that He, who, is as quick to perceive their Wants as able to fupply them ; for He neither Plumbers, norfleeps ; neither relaxes in his Super- intendence, nor remits a Tittle of his Care ; and that He, whogives prefent Grace as the Earneft of future Glory ; ß Pfa1m cxxi. a. See the Martin. t Pfä{m giv. 34 41-1. vi. ma. .