K E E P E R, 375 muff be neither more nor lefs than the LORD Gon OMN (- POTENT, who reignetb. This CharaEter, under the Name of JEHOVAH, is the Charaaer of CHRIST. Juit fuch an one is JEsus, the Shepherd of Ifrael. He fays, of himfelf, to the FATHER; Thofe that thou gaveft me I HAVE KEPT, and NONE OF THEM IS LOST, but the Son of Perdition (who was decreed to be loft) that the Scripture might be fulfilled.* And he declares to his Difciples; MySheep bear my Voice, and I know them [for I know all things] and they follow me: lind (GIVE UNTO THEM ETERNAL LIFE [becaufe I am the eternal Source pf Life, and give what is truly my own], and they'hall NEVER PERISH BY NO MEANS (x too auoMosat) ; neither SHALL ANY PLUCK themout of my Hand. What Words can infer his Divi- nity more ftrongly than thefe ? To give Life, is nor, cannot be, the Attribute ofa Creature. An Archangel could not create or give Life to a Fly, or a Sparrow. But to give eternal Life, mutt furely be thefole Preroga- tive of the eternal, the everlafling, GOD. In a Word ; here are fnch'Attributes of Grace and Power claimed by CHRIST, that if he be not JEHOVAH himfelf, he was the greateft Blafphemer and moft abandoned Im- poftor, that ever appeared in the World. The jealous, Honor of the ALMIGHTY would, in that cafe, have given him the Fate of Herod, and convinced his pot- lowers (as Herod's Sycophants were convinced) that, inftead of being GOD, he was only a vile, perifhing and corruptible Man. His ltlions, however, confirm- ed his Claims The latter announced him to be GOD ; the former provedhim fo. But as ro thofe, who pretend to believe the Scriptures, and yet deny the proper and eternal Divinity of CHRIST ; they add Abfurdity to Blafphemy; for there is not óne, no not one, Attribute of Power, Love and Grace, afcribed to the FATHER, which is not equally and direEtly applied, in the holy Volume, to the SON and to the i IoLY GHOST. And if a John xvii, Ig, t11e