Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

376 K E E P E R. the three Perlons are equal, in Attributes, and in the Ufe of thofe Attributes ; where remains their Difference or Inequality ? The Apoftles follow their LORD, in afcribing to Him, what He claimed as his own, all the Power, which efl`entiallybeiongeth unto GOD. Hence this great Preferv- er of Men is called the Saviour of all Men; for all Men Are preferved in the Enjoyment of their natural Life, and the Things pertaining to it, by his Goodnefs and Power. He is the GOD of all, in whom all live, and move, and have their Being [or, in other Words, by whom they exift, alt, and think]; and, in this Senfe, he is the Saviour and Preferver of all Men. In a higher Senfe, and in a more efpecial Way, Chrif is the Saviour of them that believe. St. Jude fays,. that thofe, who are fanaiied (or fet apart) by Goo the. FATHER, are PRE - SERVED in Jefus Chrifl.'" St. Paul Ryles him, the Head of the Church, and the Saviour of the Body. -i- And, in another Place, he declares of him, Iknow whom Ihave believed, and I am perfuaded (and he ftaked his Life on the Perfualion) that HE IS ABLE TO KEEP that, which I have committed unto him againft that Day ; the Day of his Appearing. From what has been premifed, it feems evident, that the KEEPER of the Faithful is no other than JEHOVAH. This the Pfalmift has proved. It appears equally evi- dent, that CHRIST iS their KEEPER and PRESERVER. This he hath declared himfelf; and his Apoftles have repeatedly declared it of him. It follows, therefore, that CHRIST is truly and effentially JEHOVAH. All the Sophiftry in the World cannot elude this Conclufion,; nor all the Heretics in the World deftroy the Premifes. And, if CHRIST be JEHOVAH ; he is all that fupreme, eternal, omnipotent Being, which the u n ans, Socinians, and others, deny him to be. All the Doctrines of Grace, all the Gofpel and Reve- lation of GOD from the Foundation of the World, Jude t. t Eph. vi. 23. $ 2 Tim. i. I2.° and