K E É P E R. 377 and all the Salvation and Happinefs of the Redeemed, entirely depend upon the proper and efl'ential Divinity of 1efus Chrift.. Take away this Corner atone, and the Building (which we have been taught to believe is the Building of GOD) falls in a Moment to the Ground. Remove this Sun from the Chriflian Syftem ; and we are immediately inveloped in grofs, in everlafting, Darknefs. Nor can the Doétrine of Chrift's Divinity ftand immovable, but upon the fundamental Dòarine of the Trinity. If the Deity was but one Perfon, ac- cording to the Sabellians ; the Deity could not be a Mediator betwixt himfelf and Man. But the Godhead confifting of three Perfons, one of them might, and one of them (even the SoN) affuredly has, reconciled us to the whole Effence or Godhead, by the voluntary Hua miliation of himfelf. Upon theme capital and leading Truths, reft all the Graces, Hope, Perfeverance, and Joy, of the People of GOD. Could they be expunged' from the Bible, or obliterated from their Hearts ; no-` thing but Horror and Anguifh, with everlafting Dark- nefs and Defpair, could poffibly fucceed. Bleffed be GOD ; his Truth, like his Mercy, endureth for ever ; and, againft his chofen Church, the Gates of Error and of Hell can never, and (ball never, prevail. . CHRIST, then, is the Chriftians' ,KEEPER; and, be- caufe He is an everlafting Keeper, they are kept for evermore. He hath engaged himfelf by an everlaJting Covenant, not to turn awayfrom them to do them good, but to put his Fear in their Hearts, fo that THEY SHALL NOT DEPART from him. The whole of their Perfeverance, like all other Parts of Salvation, refts limply upon GOD: They have no Ability to induce it, or to main- tain it, fo long as for one Moment in themfelves. Till this was underftood in the Mind, and believed on in the Confcience ; they neither knew GOD, nor their own Hearts. They thought Him, before that Period, a. changeable, variable, fhortfaghted Being, like them- fclves. They fuppofed him dependent, in the Opera- tions of his Grace, upon the Caprice and Humour of their