Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

38o K E E P E R. knew his People would be Rebels, 'and could no longer follow, than he might be pleafed to lead. Heknew, that Satan and the Powers' of Datknefs would oppofe he foreknew, .when' and where that Oppoltiorr fhould arife ; and he pra:determined the Bounds of its Succefs. He allo knew, and foreknew, the Objetts of his everlaft- ing Lovè, arranged the Times and Circúrnftances of their Appearance, and ordained the Moment and Manner of their final Confummation in Glory. This GOD knew, and this hath GOD wrought. His Omnifcience, equally with his Omnipotence, is illuftrious in all things. They chine, without our Direaion, on all the vifible World; they order, without our Counfel, the wide - expanded Univerfe of Nature ; they fubfift, without our Aid, in all we can fee ór know. And if the vifible and natural World fubfft and proceed according to the Will, of GOD; beyond' our Wifdom or Ability to correct or create an Atom ; what ?retentions can we have to de- termine the Events of that World of Spirits, to which willing or unwillingwe are drawn, and which is undoubt- 'edly no lets well- ordered and fore ? If the feveral Orbs of Heaven keep their appointed Courfes with the niceft Exa&nefs, and, without the Aberration of a Moment, for Ages; (hall not the Path of the full be equally de- termined, and the Bounds ofhis Habitation as precifely appointed ? Or is it of more Confequençe, in the Mind of the Almighty, to arrange the Forms and Cir- cuits of inanimate Matter, than to dire& and preferve the Exiftence, the Purfuits, and the Happinefs, of an immortal Soul ? Come then, thou, whohall foundMercy to befaithful; come and rejoice in the promifed Faithfulnefs and Truth of thy Eovenant.GOD. Caft all thy Care upon him ; for there is not a Moment, in which he careth not for thee. Fear not to hold on, and to hold out, to the End ; for Jcsus is JEHOVAH ; and JEnovArl -JEsus is with thee. Though thou could'ft not abide a Mo- ment in thy own Strength : yet HE abidetb.ever. His Nature had no Beginning; and the Love of his Nature çai