K E E P E R. 381 can never have an End. With Him, and with all his Attributes and Perfeaions, there is no Variabienefs, neither Shadow of Turning. His Love and his Grace are ,fet upon thee ; and, till his Love and his Grace can change' their Natures, thou never fhalt lofe them. GOD bath made thee a Member of that fpiritual Building, which was not planned for a Day, or a Year or an Age, btit was defrgned for his own glorious Habitation for ever. From everlafting to everlafting, He is GOD ; and his Mercy is FROM EVERLASTING TO EVERLASTING npo them that fear him. Thou regardeffi him, O Believer, with a filial Fear; and, therefore, it is a comfortable Token, and worth a thotifand Worlds, that this ever lafting Mercy hath refted upon Thee. But, perhaps, force doubting Heart may fay I have teen many great Men, many learned Men, many wife Men, even Men of acknowledged Gifts, and Men who have ufed thofe Gifts in the Service of GOD thefe have I feen to fall foully deeply-long' Atici how can fo weak and fo ignorant a Creature, as I amp expe& to endure? The Premifes are` indeed too true; but the Confequence,- however, is "not conclufive. They fell ; not becaufe they were great, or wife, of learned ; but becaufe they left their only Security fo íitand'ìng, and miffed _ in thereslves. With all their Wifdotn, they leaned not on Chrift: They 'ufed`their Gifts, perhaps, too much to their own Glory and, when they were fated. with human Pr'áife, having no better Objea in view, they grew tired of the Labor, by which they had acquired it. They went backwards; becaufe they either did not apprehend, or had loft Sight of, the Value of the important Things' before them. Not relifhing the Comforts of GOD, and not being able to live without Comfort, they fought it in the World. Now, thoughwe can fay of fuch Men, with our Lord, that, having put their Hand to the Plough, and turning back, they are not fit for the Kingdomof GOD; we mutt alto fay, that there dread- ful Examples are permitted, in order to (hew the Faith- ful4