Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

f 31 all the myftic Nonfenfe and unintelligible Futilities of the Valentinians, Gnoi.tics, and others, after the Chrif- tian Era, were derived. Indeed, the Principles of the Magi, as well as of thofe later Heretics (who were fo- lidly refuted by Ireneus, &c.), were alike corrupted Defleftions from one true Religion,, and particularly from the pure DoEfrine of the Trinity.; though, it muff be owned, with this Difference, that the Chriftian De- prayers difgraced even the Heathen Opinion which they adopted, both in Degeneracy of Principle and Iniquity of Practice. The Corruptions of the belt Things are ufually the word Corruptions : And a Chriftian Infidel (if the Term may be ufed), it has often been remarked; is not only the mod inexcufable, but generally the vilelt, of Infidels. IF Mifraim planted Idolatry in Egypt, it appears, that it did not die there. It was a fruitful Soil in all ref - pefts, and was particularly fo to this noxious Weed, the Seeds of which, impregnated with all the Evils of Pandora's fabled Box, were fcattered from thence over .molt other Parts of the habitable World. About the Time of Abraham, Zoroafter Mifraim (whom fome call Mika, others Mithra, and others Ofiris) is faid to have lived. * This perhaps was the Zoroafter, (liince'the Age and Time were the fame) from whom, Dr. Hyde fays, the Perjians received their Religion though they contend, that it was derived to them, through him, from Abraham himfelf. But as they trifle about the Patriarch's delivering them a Books or the Copy of a Book, which (they alert) he received from Heaven; their Veracity demands no great Credit in other Parts of the Detail, which they offer concerning both that, and their Principles. Zoroafter Mifraim, or Son of Mi- for, is thought to have, been the firft,King of Egypt or Pharoah (which was once the common Title to their Kings, as that of Auguftus to the Roman Emperors), K!R CH. 01el. Pamph, in Chronol. Eus sa. depráp. evang'.1. x. c. 3. and