3s2 K E E P S Í. ful ; That there is no Security of Salvation in Wifdotn; Genius or Knowledge, but, limply and only, in the Keeper of Ifrael. They do not invalidate the Truth of Chriftian Perfeverance ; but they thew, by whom alone that Perfeverance is to be obtained. The meaneíi Be- liever has the fame Security of holding on, and holding out, with the greateft Saint in the World. Neither of them can ftand a Moment, but as he is kept. The greateft Chriftian, without his divine Keeper, would foon equal the greateft Infidel : But the humbleft and the weakeft Heart, withHim, (hall never fail of Glory. What a fweet Affurance of Peace and Happinefs does this reviving Truth bring into the Soul ! Et unfolds a true and a folid Comfort, far unlike the higheft Enjoy- ments of the Men of the World. Thefe live like the Swine upon Hulks, or, ufing the Poet's I'hrafe, tofubfiffuch ftrive On Joys too thin to keep the Soul alive. And if theAfjurance of Heaven, from the Faithfulnefs of GOD, be fo fweet and fo ftrong in itfelf ; what will the Enjoyment of Heaven be, and the perfe& Poflefl'ion of its Glory ? O Reader, if thou haft had any true and faving Experience of GOD's Mercy below ; thy Heart will bound within thee, on the Contemplationof Jefus as thy Keeper, and even long to anticipate thine unalien, able Bleffednefs above. Thou wilt often look out for the cceleftial Shore, as the weather-beaten Mariner does for his native Land. Begin the Praifes of thy redeeming GOD even here ; and !hew to the World around thee an Evidence of thy Saviour's Divinity, by aConverfation of Meeknefs and Holinefs, and by a Life unfpotted and divine. Nothing convinces like Fafts. Let the power- ful Operation of thy gracious Loan be feen in all thy Intercourfe withMankind ; and, upon every Occafion, demonftrate that thou neither art running, nor haft be- lieved, in vain. In a little Time, when the Work of Faith and Patience is accomplifhed, and when all is done, that