CONCLUSION. 333 that is defigned to be done, in thee and by thee ; thou wilt give the belt and moft cogent Proof of the Doarine of final Perfeverance, by perfevering, through thy KEEPER'S Omnipotence, unto the End. CONCLUSION. W E have now gone through our Confiderations upon a few of the many Names, afcribed to JESUS CHRIST in the Old Teftament, and have endea- voured to make it appear, either from theNaples them- felves, or from the Offices which they denote, that they are only applicable toHim as the true GOD, or Second Perfon in the Divine Lance. We have a11ä atempted to draw "fuch practical Inferences from each of thefe Titles, as might ferve, through the divine Bleffing, both to quicken our Faith with chearing Hopes and folid Comfort, and prompt us to detnonftrate, to the Enemies ofCHRIST'S Divinity,the Reality and Efficacy of that Di- vinity by our Lives and Converfations. The pure Faith of a Chriftian, illuftrated by Works of Grace and Righteoufnefs, fupported under an Immenfrty of Difficulties and Temptations, and carried on to a Death of Triumph and Joy ; is fuch an Argument of the Truth of CHRIST'S Power and Deity, as ought now to filence (as it will hereafter) the utmoft Malevolence of Earth and Hell. May this glorious Argument, fupported by the Demonftrations of Holinefs, and urged