Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

a84 CONCLUSION. urged with Humility, Meeknefs and Truth, be con, ftantly exhibited by thofe, who profefs to call upon JEsus as their LORD and their Gon ! This is the bell Way of putting Heretics to Shame, who have ufually (however they would fave Appearances) but little of this Sort of Evidence to maintain their Caufe. They may combat the Matter with Words, but, when called to climb the Mount of evangelical Godlinefs ; like the Servants and Affes-of Abraham to Mount Moriate, they are fire to be left behind. Nor is there any Wonder in this ; but the contrary. Awicked Man is too flothful to afcend the Hill of Holinefs, though Heaven itfelf be on theTop. For they, who deny the Divinity of Jefus, are certainly, not under the Imprefions of his Power ; and, if they never come under. the Imprefi`ions of his Power, they furelly are none of his. If they are none of his, and if He be not their Saviour ; then they have neither Saviour nor GOD ; becaufe, according to the Scriptures, Heonly is the Saviour, He only is the LORD. In this Cafe, they Eland (exactly as the Heathens flood) without the Light and Hope of a divine Revelation. And, if this be their State, itfeems impoffible that they íhould live otherwife than the Heathens lived : They cannot but live in the Vanity of their Mind, and in the Alienation of their Hearts fromGOD. In this refpeél, both ancient and modern Infidels are much upon a Par. We fee from Day to Day, that Vice and Wickednefsare as prevalent, that Debauchery and Luxury are as fafhionable, that true Religion and Godlinefs are as lightly efteemed, in modern London ; as ever they were, at Athens, at Corinth, or at Rome. The Root of this Heterodoxy of Principle and Praftice appears to be fixed, either in the abfolute Denial, or in the perverfe Ap- prehenfzon, of the Saviour's Deity.* In either CaCe, as the There have been two principal Genera (if one may fo fpeak) of Heretics, who have oppofed the ential andproper Divinity of Jefas Chrif ; and their Genera may again be ref'olved into their different Speeiee. The firf Genus or Kind confilts of thole, who admit, that Chrilt