`SÓ 'CONCLUSION% them pretend to know; contradict their favourite Tenets from Page to Page, and from Line to Line. por inftance ; The Socinian, by maintaining that Chrift was a Pro- phet, and only a Prophet, really Pets him forth as a falfe Prophet and a Liar. The Title, which he pre- tends to give him, is a mere Nullity ; becaufe the Sód- nian rejefts the Claims of Jefs to Nanies and Titles, far above every Name in Heaven and Earth. Tho Teftimony, which the Redeemer afforded of himfelf, was I [placing himfelf Aft, that his Inferióri'ty, refpe&ing his divine Nature, might not be queftionedj, I, lays he, and my FATHER are ONE. * The Jews; perfet1ly underítood his Meaning, and attempted to atone him, becaufe he made himfelf GOD, f or (as it is ex- preffed in another Place) E2yAL with GOD. The Sabellian (fo named from Sabellius, a Libyan, whole Opinion made a confiderable Noife in the third Century), by affirming that there is but one Perlon or Hypottafis in the Godhead, who affumed, on different' Occafons, the feveral Names of Father, Son, and Spirit; would invalidate the Teftimony of divine Revelation, which defcribes three I'erfons bearing VVitnefs of each other; namely, the FATHER unifying of the SoN, 9 the SoN declaring theName of the FATHER, p and the SPIRIT' bearing Witnefs, as the SPIRIT of Truth. ¶ This Dill tinCtion of the three Perlons was remarkably evidenced (to inftance no farther) at the Baptifm ofCHRIST. The Arian (fo called from Arius, another Libyan, and Prelbyter (," Alexandria in Egypt, towards the Clofe of the third andBeginning of the fourth Century), in avoid- ing Sabellianifm, falls upon as egregious an Error. Pot-, by afferting that the SON is a GOD inferior to the FA- THER, and that the three Perlons are of different Effence; , he both contradicts the Scriptures, and involves himfelf_ in a biafphemous Abfurdity. The Scriptures declare, in John x. 3o. f John x. 33. I Johnv. 18. § i John v. g. John xvii. z6. -..j i John v."6. the