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CONCLUS1Ù4. 8g7 the tnofi volitive Strain, that the LORD our Gob is ONE LORD, and that there is but ONEGOD. They alto . reprefent to us three Perfans or Hypoftafes, each of which is, in Nature, GOD and LORD; becaufe all the three Perforis, conjointly and equally, partake of one and the fame Nature, which is the Godhead in its Unity. Thus the Trinity of Subfiftence does by no Means clafh with the Unity of Effence; nor the Unity ofEffence obftruft the Trinity of Perlon or Subfiftence. If, on the other Hand, we adopt the Arian Scheme, and fay, that the three Perlons are ofdifferent Effence or Nature ; we can- not avoid the Charge, either of maintaining threefeparate GODS, or of worfhipping thole for GODS, which are really (according to that Hypothels) mere and de- pendent Creatures. And as to worfhipping theFather, by the Son, and in the Holy Ghoft, in order to maintain the Inferiority of the two Taft (as the Arians dream); it is unfcriptural and abfurd. They might as well wor- {hip the LORD, by the Virgin Marv, and in a high Wind; fnce thefe are but the Creatures of the Mosr HIGH, as well as the Son and Spirit of the Arians. -It appears, ex- cepting only the different Dignity of Creatures, almoft as erroneous as the horrid Blafphemy of the Lombards, who, in their Devoirs to their tutelar St. Anthony of Padua, addrefs him as one, qui exaudit quos non audit et ipfe Deus . i. e. " who hears thofe whom even GOD himfelf doth not hear." * But if, according to the Scriptures and the catholic Doftrine, the three divine Perlons are ofone and the fame Nature; then they, asjoint Participants of a Nature in itfelffelf-extjlent and eternal,, mutt neceffarily be coexiftent and cofternal. And if they are coëxiftent and- coëternal, they nruft alfo be coequal in all the other Glories, Perfet-tions, and Attributes, of their one and un, divided Nature. Believers, therefore, by being made Partakers of CHRIST t, are thereby Partakers of the prvWE NATURE ; i. e. by having Fellowfhip and Corn- * BilhopBURNÉT'S Letters upon Iraly, &c. Let. 3. t Hebr. iii. 14. I a Pet. i. 4. C C 2 munie e