Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

388 CONCLUSION. munton with the Sox, they have alfo Fellowfhip with the FATHER * and the HOLY SPIRIT. -f- On the contrary, the Arian reprefents CHRIST, as an inferior GOD, a fubordinate Almighty, a dependent Supreme, and a created Creator. He looks upon the HOLY GHOST as ttill more inferior, and is not aflramed to avow, that the COMFORTER, t promifed by the FATHER and the Sox, is HOC the Gon of all Comfort, § which the Scrip- tures defcribe him to be. The Arminian, however juft in his Opinion refpe&ing the Trinity in the Deity, is, in all Points that concern his Attributes, as unfcriptural and heterodox as molt of the Heretics we have named before. For, while he admits the equal Divinity of yefus Chr3/t with that of the Father and the Holy Ghoft ; he contradias their Re- velation of the divine Covenant, Pets them forth as de- termining from incidental Expedients, and not by a perfret Defign, and reprefents the whole Godhead as aéting, not according to the wife Counfels of his own eternal Will, but according to the unftable Conduct of foolifh Man. He exhibits the fovereign Agent of all Good in a State of Supplication to a helplefs Worm; intreating that Worm to receive his Salvation, and often intreating in vain ; changing his Purpofes according to the mutable Fancy of a Creature fubje& to the Devil ; and at laft difappointed of his Expectations, through the Power and Subtlety of Sin and Hell. GOD, ac- cording to him, wills to fave Man, but cannot fave him unlefs Man will ; though, at the fame time, Man (byhis Syftem) can will to be faved, indepehdent of all Concern, whether GOD pofitively wills it or no. The Arian andSocittian proceed very far, and degrade their Creator to the Rank ofa perfect and holy Creature ; but the Arminian Teems CO exceed their Exceedings, by re- prefenting the Will, the Wifdom, the Power,. and all the Perfections of the omnipotent JEHoVAH, depen- I John i.3. -F Phil. ii. r. 2 Cor.xiii 14. john xiv. z6. § z Cor, i. 3. dent