Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

CONCLUSION. 389 dent upon theperverfe and froward Will of an impotent Sinner. Upon his crude Plan (if filch Abfurdity can deferve the Name of a Plan), the glorious Work of GOD's Salvation, and the eternal Redemption of 7e- fus, are not complete ; unlefs a dying Mortal lends his puny Arm ; or unlefs he, who of himfelf can do no- thing, vouchfafe to perfect that, which all the Angels in Heaven could never do. How contrary is all this to the Language of Scripture; how repugnant to the Oracles of Truth ! Whatfoever the LORD pleafed, that. did He in Heaven and in Earth. * 1 amGOD ( fays the LORD) and there is none like me, DECLARING THE END FROM THE BEGINNING, and FROM ANTIENT TIMES the things that are NOT YET DONE, faying, . My COUN- SEL SHALL STAND, and I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE. In order to thew the Immutability of GOD's Counfel and Decrees, it is left upon Record, that even wicked Men were gathered together to do WHATSOEVER his Hand and his Counfel DETERMINED BEFORE to be done ;:t and, that GOD worketh ALL THINGS after the Counfel not of Man's) but of His OWN WILL. §. If we review thefe Herefies upon another Ground, and if we meafure them by another Rule, namely, the ANALOGY OF FAITH ; we (hall fee them equally per- plexed, and altogether deficient. Thus, The Socinian, in denying the Trinity of Perlons, ne- eefï'arily denies the Divinity of 7efus, as ONE with GOD in the GODHEAD. By rejeaing the WORD, who dwelt among us as GOD; he muff alto, of Courfe, re- je& the Merit of his Obedience and the Satisfadion made by his Death: And, by rejeaing thefe, he molt . give up Man, helplefs and hopelefs, to all the Circum- ítances of a frail and corruptible Body, and of a con- taminated and miferable Soul. But, as it was im- poffible, becaufe diametrically oppofite to the Wifdom, Juftice and Goodnefs of GOD, that Man fhould be * Pfalm cxxxv. 6. t Ifaiah xlvi, 9, IQ. Aét.s iv. 37, z$. § Eph. i. I I. C c 3 created