Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

ago CONCLUSION created in thefe Circumflances ; and as, therefore, he is and mull be a fallen Creature ; the Socinian leaves him in this fad Condition without a Remedy., becaufe he leaves hirñ without a Redeemer. Thus, i'h this In- fiance, there is a total Subverüon of all Chriflianity, and virtually a Renunciation of the entire Revelation of GOD. Error, like a poifoned Dart, not only infeés the tingle Member in which it is fixed, but ultimately affeEts and deftroys the whole Body. The Sabellian allo fights againft the CEconomy of Grace, by maintaining the abfolute Simplicity or Unity of the divine Effence under three official Names: For, in that Cafe, he mull alfo maintain as indeed he does), that the Perlon, denominated the Father, was the fame Perfon whofüpred as the Son ; and that the Holy Gboft was likewife the fame Perlon, who took FleIh of the Virgin Mary. Now; if the Father fuffered upon the Crofs, bow and to whom could he fay, My GOD, My GOD, why haft Thou forfaken me ? If he were the Father, and the whole Godhead ; he could not forfake or be forfaken of himfelf. Nor, in any other view than that of a Trinity of Perfons, could GOD SEND FORTH his Sox, or reconcile his People TO HIMSELF by the Death of his SON. And, if this Reconciliation has not taken Place by a Mediation of one divine Perlon, be- twixt us and the whale Effence ; here again the Chrif- tian Syfletn is diffolved, and, like fome Debates in th.e antient Schools, amounts to nothing. The palpable Abfurdity likewife of the Promife made by yefts, that the COMFORTER, or the Hoj,Y SPIRIT, fhould come to the Difciples, after his ownDeparture, if that COMFORTER was indeed thefame Perlon refident in the F.lefh of jefus; may only be mentioned to complete the Confufion. Thus Stibelliánifm appears to be nothing more (if one might ufe the Phrafe) than a Sort of cbrifiianized Deifni, incompatible with the Gofpel, and fubverfive of its Principles. If we turn to the Arien, who anxioufly (trains the Dow as far tQ_ the contrary as he may ; we !hall find him