Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

CONCLPJSION. 391 him aíl'erting, not only a Difinaion of Perfons, but a Difference of Nature, and an Inequality of Attributes. Thus the SON who was united to the Flcfh of lefts, is flared by him as inferior to the FATHER ; and the HOLY GHOST, as fubordinate to both. This is palpable Polytheifm, or elfe a ContradiEtion in Terms ; for there mutt be either three GODS, according to this Syftem, or two divine Perfons in the Godhead, above all things and almighty, yet UNDER one other divine Per- fon, who is above all, and confequently the only Al- mighty. But Godhead and Inferiority are as abfolutely incompatible, as any two Contraries that can be con - ceived. Now, if Chrig (according to the Arian) be inferior to the Father, refpeCting his divine Efï'ence [for with regard to his Manhood, and to his Manhood alone, he is doubtlefs inferior], he muff neceffarily depend upon him, as the greatfupreme Caufe, for his very Ex- igence. There can be but one firft Caufe ; let what may, be the fecond. And if Chrift% Exiftence be de- pendent, it is neceffarily created ; for That only can be Itriftly independent, which is uncreated and fupreme, This Opinion, therefore, virtually difplaces the Soil from the Rank of true and proper Deity, and reprefents him à mere Creature, even though it fhould make him ten thoufand times fuperior to the firft Archangel ill Heaven. And if Chrf be only a Creature, he might in- deed, as a holy Creature, merit for himfelf; but it is im- pofí'ible that he could merit for, or transfer Merit to, any other Creatures. Every thing he could do, would be re- quifite for his own Happinefs. At all Events, he could not juflify Millions of Beings with an everlafting Righ- teoufnefs, nor atone for their infinite Millions of Sins. In that.Cafe, he could not be the Redeemer revealed by the Gofpel ; nor can we now have the Hope ofany other. It follows, then, that the Pharifees rightly named him .a Deceiver, and that all his Followers in all Ages have adopted aChimera, and have been only purfuing the idle Paradife of Fools.--Thus, the natural Inferences, de- ducible from Arianifin, confound and deftroy even C c 4 Arianifrn