Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

Q9á CO- NCLUSION. 11rionifrn itfelf Or, on the other Hand, if ifrianifin be true, the Certainty of Man's Salvstiog by an omnipotent Redeemer is entirely del}rgyed. What comfortable Conclufions, for his preftnt or ternál Salvation, an ,9rian can derive from his Princi- ples ; an 4rián may belt inform us. Perhaps, they yet remain to be known: And it might be 'a fingular Aa pf Benevolence done to People of his Perfuafion, if the Mptizes for force throng Confolation were pro- luced. When fuch an Attempt is made ; and when thofe Motives are blefTed`to the Hearts, and confirmed by the Lives, of thpfe, who receive them Then, but not till then, may an orthodox Çhritian with them Joy in difcovering the Inferiority ofthe SON of GOD, And when this wonderful Pofiulatrun is thorn ghly eftabli!hed among us, that GOD is inferior to iim- felf; we may concur with another Sert of People, next mentioned, and pronounce h.itri at once inferior to Man. The Arminizzt, by robbing Chrift of his abfolute. Sovereignty with refpea to the Obje is of his Grace and Juittce, robs trim at once of his Divinity : For Divinity always implies Omnipotenée, and includes every Idea of unconfined, invariable; complete, and perpetual, Supremacy. To fupppfe, therefore, that Chrif, as GOD, wills a thing which he Both not per- form, is an evidentDerogation of his Poser to perform it. Will and Power in Opp, very unlike Will and Power in Man, are infeparable and efficacious Attri- butes. Volition and Energy, however diiftinguifhable in Terms and i'iotions, cannot be divided in the fimpley pure, A4 of the Deity. Thus Mefs, in the trueft Sublime, is taught to defcribe the Will and Power of GOD, as arifing at once, and at once accomplifbing That for whi, h they arolè. Let there Bs Light, faid GOD, (in the imperativepre.fent Time) ; rind there wAs Light (in the indicative paft) ; fliewing, that the Vxecu- tìon of the Will almoft anticipated the Will itfelf. Now the ifrinjnian reprefents Chrift,' as willing and defirinb