Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

14 Ç P. IGL4.JSION. t16ß Sokol perceives, it has .neither Will nor Power to Ewa fo much as a ringer without GOD ? There is sppt.a principle of Grace- laid down in the Bible, but yyhat .wholly overthrown by thefe gloomy and con- a4if1ory Notions of the Arminian. 10 a Word ; Error, like a Line drawn obliquely from -Ike ifirait Path of Truth, however infignificant the De- viation may kern at the firft, appears in the End (if harried onwards in its own Direétion) at too confider- able a Variation from a Parallel, to be supported for pn .r. Hence, if People would but look forwards to the Confequences of fome theological Opinions, or were et;ábled to weigh them in the Balance of the San&uary; they would foon have done with them for Truths and Dogmas. On the contrary ; Truth itfelf, the farther it be .extended, and the farther our mental Eye can follow it; the more ifirait, the more parallel, and the more glo- r}öus, it will always appear. 'Tis a pencil Unit, which, t4pugh it will admit ofa thoufand Subdivilions, is, when thofe Subdiviftons are computed and brought together, a perfect Unit fill. It has a common Agreement and a due Arrangement in all its Parts ; while Error is not only incompatible with Truth, but really irreconcileable with itfelf. The Tuft of both will be, in the Sum of Things, The Sons of Truth have Peace in their Hearts, and will have Joy in their End. But when the Çhildren of Error are called to Death and Judgement, having nothing but their Hereles, like Ropes of Sand, with which to let down an Anchor for their Souls ; thefe mutt quickly fall to Ruin, and expofe them to the Wrath of an unreconciled GOD, as to the Fury of a raging Sea, unappeafed for ever. To conclude. As the Paths of Error are infinite, and the Way of Truth but one; it is the Power and Grace of an almighty Saviour alone, which can give his People the one Heart promifed them, that they may walk in that one Way to Life everlafing. They fee, or rather are given to fee, that the Divinity of Jefus is the one Foundation laid in Zion, on which they may fafely