Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

CONCLUSION. 395 fafely build their eternal Hopes : And they will ac- knowledge, both here and hereafter, that the Glories of Immanuel, in his Perfon and Perfeftions, are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, of all their Confidence and Joy. They delight now to hear the Proclamations of his Love, in the wonderful Names and Titles afcribed to him in his Word; and they will con- fefs hereafter, when they fee him Face to Face and are `Partakers of his Glory, that they never conceived half the Goodnefs and Grace, which thofe Names and Titles in his Word imply. When they have paired through this Vale of Tears ; when they have fixed their joyful Feet on the farther Shore of, ordan; and when they are admitted to the full Vifiorr and Communion of their GQD ; then fhall their Hearts be Hearts of Melody, and all their Tongues (hall fpring with Praife. The Voices of thefe, and the Voices orall the Bleff'ed, (hall be great in Heaven; and one and all (hall !hoot this everlafting Song, Salvation to our GOD, mho fzttetb upon the Throne, and to theLAMB The Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdoms of our LORD and of his CHRIST, endBaJhall RR;çrr far ,ever. Amen. T 1-1