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C 54 1 of their firft Philofophers to the Truth of an infinite Mind, and who was therefore firnamed MK or Mind, could not clearly divert his Notion from Matter. " This was the Rock (fays the excellent M. Rollin) 'on which he, with all the antient Philofophers, fplit." * .Plato had doubtlefs fome refined Opinions of the Deity ; but when he Pays, that the World, the Heavens, the Stars, Souls, and thofe, to whom the Religion of his Anceflors af- cribed Divinity ; ALL THIS IS GOD ; we can neither al- low his God to be immaterial, nor admire this mean Reprefentation of him. Yet Ilelleius, though an Epi- curean, brought this Charge againft Plato, as Cicero re- lates in his Treatife De naturel deorum -f-. So Damafcius, defining the Deity, Pays, that " It is not ONE, as a Minimum is one (according to what Speufippus ufed to fay) ; but it is ONE, as being ALL THINGS," ± What Córrefpondence has' this Ev semi iroXXce with the Idea of a pure, intelleétual, Spirit ? Indeed, the Confequence proved the Principle of thefe Philofophers erroneous For thofe who relied upon their Wifdom, hearing that God was all things, and confequently all things GOD, thought, that theDeity fhouid beworfhipped in all things, and be adored in the feveral Parts and Powers of Na, ture S. * Hi/lory of the antient Arts and Sciences. Vol. iii. p. 377. Sect alfo Profeffor CAMPBELL'S Necety of Revelation. { See more ofthis Argument in that admirable Work ofthe learn- ed Dr. Leland, entitled, Advantage, &c. óf the. Chs ftian Reve- lation. $ Hermes. p. 441. So Jamblichess ; IIafla wee =Tat [Osos] sr{ s Anpn : All things arefull of the Gods. § i. e. 9. fovio omnia plena. VIRG. Ed. 3, 160. 7upiter eft quodcunque vides, quocunque mavetis. LoCAN. § Ant. Univ. Hilt. Vol. 1. p. 35. AUG. de civic. Dei. 1. iv. C. I I. Porphyry, the great Adverfary of the Chriftians, owned that the Greeks woríhipped Demons; and diftinguifhed them into good and ¿vil. If they adored evil Demons; what Advantage did their Wif- dom and Genius give them, in religious Matters, above the Indians and Savages, who do but the fame ? See alto GALE'S Notes upon famdlichus, Sett. i. c. IS. and AUG. de verel relig. 1. i. C. 1. Whàt;