Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

[ 66 j with theHungariansarederived originally from that great Stock of Population; if Pere Hel, the Jefuit, an Hun- garian, lately fent into Lapland for aftronomical Obfer- vations, may be credited*. This is laid only to (hew, that any Traces of the Doftrine of a Trinity, found amonglt thefe People, prove both from whom they borrow their Extraélion, and whence they mutt have received their Opinions. And if thofe People are the Defcendants of thofe, who had obtained a Corrup- tion of this Do trine ; there can be no Wonder, that they fhoui_d copy the Notions of their Anceftors, and transmit their Opinions, fti1} more debafed, to their own Pofterity. The Stream of national Opinions (where Providence has not interpofed by the Power of Truth) has ufually flowed in the Channel of na- tional Population. Thus, if the Tartars, or thofe va- rious People who inhabit that immenfe Traf of Coun- try, from Siberia in the North to Bengal in the South, and from the Cafpian Sea Weftwards to the wild Re- gions of Kamtfchatjka in the Eaft, had obtained any Knowledge of this capital Do&rine; the Appearance of fuch a Tenet in America confirms the Hypothefis, that its Inhabitants derived both their Origin and Religion from that Quarter. And that the Tartars hadobtained this Knowledge, and probably from their Brethren of Tibet (as theft lag in antient Times from the Patriarchs in and about Chaldeca), feems evident from a refpeft- able Authority. Dodor Parfons, in his valuable Book, entitled, The Remains of Japhet, has obliged the World with a curious Explanation, from a Memoir by Col. Grant, of a Siberian (or rather of a Tangutian or Tibetian) Medal, in the Cabinet of the prefent Emprefs of Rufa. The Dfign of this Medal exhibits the Idea, which the Lamas, or High-Priefts of the Coun- try called Tibet, have, beyond all Memorial among themfelves, entertained of the Godhead. The whole Relation, interefting and ingenious as it is, of this Ann. Reg. for 1774. p. 103. vemark=