E 75 1 4dam, Abel, and all the fir(t Believers, as well as thofe who after them were Ifraëlites indeed, were faved through Faith in the promifed and futureMeffah. But how could they have any ground for Faith, as to his Sufficiency for their Salvation ; or how could He be, without Ido- latry, an Objet of their Faith and Joy (as in the Cafe of Abraham it is particularly expreffed), unlefs they knew, affuredly, the Allfuffaciency of his Perfon ? And how could they then know Him ; if He were not then exi(tent, or rather pr0e.exiftent and divine ? And how could he be divine, but in being JEwovAH ? And, lá(tly, if they had not a Knowledge of the Per- fonality in JEHOVAH; how could they poffibly think of being reconciled to JEHOVAH by JEHOVAH, and that through his Affumption of the Woman's Seed, in order to perform their Redemption ? Theyhad no Idea of a created GOD, but of GOD a Creator ; no Con- ception of an inferior Deity, but of a Deity fupreme; nor any Notion of an everlafting Salvation being accom- plifhed, without a Goodnefs and a Strength equally in- finite and everlafing.SuchBlafphemies and Abfurdities Teem to have been referved for a more enlightened Day. dowith GOD, but for his own Deflruétion, without a Mediator, That great and good Man, the late Prefident Edwards, was of the fame Sentiment, and expreffes it fo juftiy, that the Reader cannot be difpleafed with the Recital of his own Words. " When we read (lays he) 'P ofGOD'S appearing after the Fall, fromTime to Time, in foine vifible Form or outward Symbol of his Prefence; we are- as ordinarily, if not univerfally, to underftand it of the SECOND " PERSON of the TRINITY ; which may be argued from John i. IS. No Man bath feet ÇOD at any rime ? the only begotten Son, " who is in the b'ofom of the Father, He bath declared Him. He is ' therefore called, the Image of the invifible GOD, Col. i. Is ; in- "' timating, that, though GOD the Father be invifible, yet Chrift " is his Image or Reprefentation, by which He is feen, or by which s: theChurch of GOD HATH OFTEN HAD aReprefentation of HIM, ?' that is not invifible ; and in particular that Chrift has appeared in an human Form." Hill. ofRedemption, p. 19. Though