Serle - BT590 N2 S47 1776

IÑTR.ODi; CTIONa the Apoftle Paul, like his bleffed Mather, went iok8 about doing Good, and preaching the Gofpel of the Kingdom of GOD; among other Places, he travelled to flthens, the then molt celebrated City for Wifdom, Arts and Science, in the 'World. Here he found an Altar with this remarkable Infription, To THE UNKNOWN Gon. The divine Providence feems to have intended, by this open Profeffion of .the moll in- telligent Men upon Earth, to evince the Truth of what the divine Spirit hath revealed, That the World by Wif- dom knew not GOD. The higheft Sagacity of Mortals could not afcend to the Knowledge of ,GOD : The tat- molt it could attain to, was to confefs him unknown. If, therefore, Man, by his own Faculties and Power, could not know GOD; the Knowledge of him to Man mutt have been communicated and derived. And it may be placed for a Poftulatum, that, upon the Fall of Man, a Revelation of his Reftoration to Favor, and a general Idea of the Means by which that Reftoration was to be accomplifhed, were immediately granted him ; and in fuch a Manner, as to comprehend and include every effential Article of Faith, and neceJffary Dottrine B of