Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

90 ' The inoffenfiveConfcience. --~---'-- Coip. B. God be not o~ended. Am I to perfwade men~; ... ~ - God? faid the Apofrle, GaJ. I.Io. Or muftI feeft -- -- to ·pleafo men? If I yet pleafe.d men, 1 fhould not b~ the fervant ofChrift: Inoffenfive Confcience . faith , I would , if I could , pleafe both , God and man, I wouldnot offend either; l1 would pleafe all ) o.ffend none by my , goodwill. But if it muft be fo! whether it be better in the fight of God to pleafeGod or , man, whether worfe to offend God or man; judge ye. All the Prophetic!!!, Apoft&lical and : Eccle[taflical Hifiories are full of examples in this kinde. A godly mari can readily refolve what i~ to be done in this cafe. MofeJ fe<tred not the wrath ofKing.Pharaoh; nor the three H eb· It· -Children th~ wrath of King Nebuchadnezzar. ~;;.· ~; 1 • 6 • We are ?ot to feek ofan ~nfwer in this m~t ... 4 9 ter 0 Kmg, thy Idoll will we not worfhtp; wemaynot incur Gods difpleafure, to efcape yuurs. Nor may we difobey God, [aid Peter, th~ 'Ye may n'ot difpleafe you._ They re-· fig_n~~ ·the dignities a~d offices t?eyhad, as MoJefpBenevoluj to Juftma, Caracctolus. They refufJid the highefrhonours; Jovinian the Jm- , periall Crown ; they indured the burning' I 4 Iron grate, the iron chain,Iron gridyron&c. :!. nonend . .h' b .a: d d tve wn-i that Go mrg ·t not e 011en e • fcience , 2 • . VVe miltl: take heed of giving offence: gi~cs no tom~?t,, God- is onely offended one. way, -viz. cftence to a·s we tap[e him to take offence, for he i~' Alail· ""'lfJF11~clr-'f!!-. iiiii-;;J,, not to be temptedwi th evil; ~he tempteth:noman to evil,Ja~ . L 13. But matt ri1a_1-, be o;tf{:,ridett'twa· way:r :· ~ Firft and.:niofi ,.. ~ .:· dan•