Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

98 'Ihe inolfenjve Confcience. · 'Cap 8. by whom this offence dotb come. flence it is ~h~ .. a Jcandall is by fome thus defined, Scdnc/alu~ Lalt. 17: r. eJ! diCtum_, au~ frj~um,_ quo alius r~dditu~ dett.. Par:tus m rzor: It i.S that evtl fatd or done by whicha.. 1 Cor.s.,. nothcr is madcworfe. And ~.ftirtultian excellently to the fame purpofe; Scand.ilitm eft non bon£ rei fed maltt exemplum, tedijicam ad de/J.. llum. BBn£ res neminm fcandalizant, nifi m1z· · lammentem. Afcandall is the aCting of fame evil (not ?f good) whereby another maybe jmboldened, or incouraged to the like evil. Good aCtions ~an~ot (faith he) fcandalize any but thofe who are very bad. . · 1 . Notto I• TD the·gcd!J we ~mft give no offence, the godly. whether he be,Jlr~~geror wea~r : Take heed . faith our Saviour, you offend not one of 'thefe Mat . I 8. littleenu;Jor it werebetter that a ~ilflone were tJ.u>. . hanged about tpyneek ' · and thal ·thoujhouldft be drowned in the depth of the Sea, then that · thbu jhould~ft offend nf!e of ~be lea(I cf thofi that belie'lle in C:IJ!'ift, either by caufing him ·to fin) or ' I to grzeve. · ,·. , . . To that end I ~. Some c ·autions may be · given: z. Sotne rules ~re to be obferved. ·caution· Caution 1 .. That thoudo ~ot caufe thy brn• 1 • ther tonjfend,., lay not a ftumbling blaclt_ofi11i• '• quity before his face, iby going about toabate bi.r . fer'l!m·, leffen his zeal ·' and unloofe ·his · ftriB:nefs in duties, and fi:op his forwardnefs in an obcdientiall way ; thus wa~ Peter -a nlitzhtyoffince toChti[f,Mat.I6.z2.and called Satrm for his labour, (for it is his work to Ferfwad~ thedecliningofhard andnecelfary .· dllties.)