Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

124 The. hon~fodealing Confcience. Cap. I I Bread {hall bee given him, hil water 1 foal/ bet ... fore, Ifai.33· 15,16. - --· But befides what hath been faid, you may know anhondlConfdencebythefeNotes. 1. He hath engraven in. his heart this lorn. 2·14 M(l(time, I mufl be a Law te my felf h. e. though therewere no humane Law to force me to reafon, and duty; no magiflrate to awe me; nomini]fer to reprove, no fbame for ill done!) no praife for gooddone; yet ntuft I live con. , forme to tbeold Law written in the heart . of man. This man needs not his neighbour ftc:?. 8. t t to call onhim, faying, lznQW the Lnrd, doe I~trmus ma· ju(tice, &c. For he is fo taught of an inward 'iffer. monitor in his heart. In this regard ~t is faid, The Lawi1not writtenfor the righ– termJ, I Tim. 1. 9· Fori£ othernren wereas honeftas he,thereneedednot fo manyLawes, · and a fewMagiftrates would be filfncient. . 2. This is his Oracle, Whatfoever you would t~therJ (bould doe toyou,d~eyou the fame to them, Mat. 7• .1 z. Whic-h is the Epitome Gj the Law antiprophetr, and is the voyce both of Scrip.. ture, andNature. E ''to e This, LalJantiuJ faith,is the very roct and J~ . ~:flit. foundation ofall equity. And }erom to a Cap· 3• goodwoman, commcndetbdais faying, as the ·breviaryor abridgement of ~11 righteouf ... ne!Ie, tobewritten on her heart as a com:. pendious Commanitory, quafi ad compendiofurn Jo,um i:uoddam CemmMitoriu.m illa tibi evan• Jeiom ad gelij eligenJa fententia eft,&foperfcribmda cordi celamia. tuo} qu~ ad t.otiur juftiti.e Breviariunz pro fertur ore.