Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

The honeft dealing Confcience. , t 27 .ftJl[e bi!J, but will bee as true in his tru.ft, Cap. I r. andaccompts,as if you had your eye alwates - on him; you need no~ fo much as quefrion 2 Ki.22-7, his reckoning, whereas fuch a di!honefi fervant as that was fpoken of Lu~ 16•.6, 7• nmft bee looked after, or hee will wrong the Pubii~ to augment his Private, and will not fear to empoverifb. his mafitr, or deceive his . beft friend to enrichhimfelf. · 6. This man ever refpeets not a Perfon, fo much tH a Cdufe. The Caufc of the ftrangp·, poor,fatberle(s, or widow is more to him, the:n theface ofthe rich,or the Letterofthe migh- , tie. Hee faith with Levi, to hi1 father, and to Deut.33 ·-' his mother, I have mt f<..rJoWnyou, nor did bee M.. ' k__nowledge biJ brethrm; nsr kz!ew his children,becau[e they ~pt thy Word. Hee is the man whorn the Antit.~nts were wont to Embleme with a Pair of Bt~lancu in one hand, a Sword in the qther, and bothhi1 tyes Jhut, To difpenfeto all Jufiice diftribu- . 'tive, or commutative indifferently, withou~ rei1fe8: of perfons~ Tros, Tyriufve Al is one. I am Debtor, faith hee, to Jew; andGentile, to do what is honefr, though . ~ngaged to neither. In all matters 'in diffe– rence he inclines to that partie whereRea• fon, not Interefi, 'fwaies him; Amicur Plat1, Amic:ur Socrates, but magis Amica verit.u. This man is my friend, and that ll!an is my kinf– man, but good Conjcience is my· beft friend, and truth my neareft kJ.nfwoman. 7• Thismanwill fooner fuffi~ anyprejudice himfolj;