Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

I .I 28 T!Je ho~teft de.lingConfcience. Cap.I 1. himftlf, then prejudice his neighbrmr. Bee jwea- . .. __ retb to his own hurt and damagt~ but changeih .Pfal.IS··4· 'not. ~oP~ejudicevaluable to ~he wrong-ing . ef h1s Neighbours , exfpe&auon, and his own Confcience. Itwas a famous 'fpecch of that noble Pompey when in a time ot a great dearth at Rgme, hee was chofen Curator An– notJ.e,-andhad nowmade great provifion of _ Corn for the relief of his Citizens, being readie to fet forward, there arofe a frorm, the Pilot perfuadedhim to flay, becaufe of the.clanger; It matters not, faith hee, hqift up fa~], put out to Sea, it is neccffirief(}r w to fail, to livei1 not neceffarie. To fray and re– ferve our felves is lefs agreeable with our honour,then to go and releeve our countrey is agreea_bls: to our dutie. --------~ 4 qpc4:;:;p: .. ¥YO IQ CHAP.