Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

t 4~ · ,The tender Con_(cience. Cap. 1 2. they that truft in them. l' ea, they addedby the '• -_ ._appointme~t of Publia the head and for– wardefi: of the Company, to their former , wonted Pfalms, that verf of the 68. Pfalru. 'The 9 doret. Let Gad arife., let his enemies .be fcatterfd, And lib. s.c. 19. wh~n the Emperour in a rage fent for her into his palace, and commanded her to be beaten; S~e accounted her felf honoured, faith the Hifrorie, and went home, and fang neverthelefs as fbewas wont to do. ·Yea, the Ecclefiafiicall writers of that Age tell us, that when that Apofrate Julian had thrown ~d9wn Chrifiian Religion, and fet up all ·ki~de~ of Rd_igions, and Idol-wor!hip; tke ·ChrHHans·would i1ng publikely , and ·at :J 4gd. ·'their bqrials~ &c. Canfundantur omner, qui ent. 4·C·3·:adorant fculptilia, &c. Confotinded be all they that wor!hip graven images. No Re– ft~aint could hinder them from profefling ·their Religion,. and repn;>Ving his impietie. ·. · This'iS"tight tendernefs, :_when in a clear caufe ofGod itmakes one like a Brazen waU, J er. 1 •.1 8. or like Adam"nt, harder then flint, · '_or likefire invincibly refolute.agaim1: all dif- (OUragements, to break through whatfoe– ver difficultfes, to ·declare for the Hanor and · Wor(hi~of (io(I: · . . • · Jofiah was a mart tender-hearted, no man ::rt1ore, yet in the Caufe of God, and in pro– ·nioting Reformation jn Religion, hom be- . .y{)nd:meafl}re was he paifronately zealous, that he could Ii0t poffibly. efcape theworlds ·C~p,fure of immoderate Rigour) Crucltie~ . , md