The tender Confcience~ Cap.I 2. meanefi office, to leave with them a never - .. dying example of matchleife humility in re– membrance. lt is no argument ofweaknelfe Dr.Stau:h· (faid a learned man) but o£ much ftrength, ~en. to be able to.bend the body backward, and to recover ones felf ilgain ; fo to il:oep backward as it were, to our brothers weakneffe, implies much prudence and frrength ofgrace in us. 3 Towards 3· Nor are we to be fo tender .ofthe godly ;~·Ten. onely,flrongor wea~, bnt our moderce tion mufi 1 +S• be k.,nown to alt: The wickedhimfelf nmft fee T . · we are tender of his good, moi·e then he is 2 nn. 2. f h' d w· h f, ,ff, . 26 • ? IS owngoo : 1t mee'\.ne» ew.e are to ~ Pet.2~ IS 1nfirufrfuch tU yet opp()fe themfelve.r, Wtth well;. doing (not with ill fpeaking, and contume-. lions reviling) to pu1 to filence the ignorance offoolifb me11, and we are to labour to take awayall occaiion from fi1ch as feeke.occafi– on to fpeak reproachfidly of us, 1 Tim.).I4· 4 Of thofe 4• But of all others we muft fhew our ::areft to felyes tender moft of the good of tho[e/who j~fh.24.1 s are neareft to u1, that we and our houfes may -[erve the Lord, that all ours may be Gods. Jo!:l t. S· Jobdiiliked fin in others, but was moft fear-.. full of it in his children, they fhould in his abfence curfe God in their heart!. Paul was · efpecially jea/otHof his Corinthian ·Believers, 2 Cor.u.2with a godly jealoufie, whom he had ejpou– ~ 6 • 11 • fod !o Chrift, becaufe his heart was enla.rged to the!\1. Aufiin faith of his mother Mrmica, That it was as muclt to her as the new bear~· ing qf a _cpllde I whcnfoever any cJliJ<;ie of hers