The tender Confcience. 157 -------------~----.. ·~ hersdidamiife. Totiet ftlios parturiebat, quo- Cap.I~ . ties a Deo eos aeviare cernebat. This is right--.. -.. Religious tendernejJe, when we put no tJijfe- . rence betwe~n fin ina friend, and in anenemy or ftranger, urlleffe this dijfirence, to be nlore plain inrebuking thy friend, ~nd d~al... ing eft'eltually withhim , to redatme h1m. If thy jignet on thy right band, or thy friend J er.2'2•.24. in thybofome, that is as thy right eye, caufe , thee to offend, thew mofi love to him by the mofi dHlike of his evill way. Be not like Pharaoh, who would havean lftaelite beaten,whe... ther there was a fault or no ·; but own fervants, inwhom the fault was, m"Qfi not be beaten , but borne out in all they did, Exod. ). 'J6. 1hirdly, In refpefrof folfe, tender con- ·; In re– fcience hath much to do, and ~illlhew it ~ of felf in thefe particulars : e · . Firfr, in refpetl: of.Jinne already committed, his heart now fmites him as oft as he finnes, 1 Sam. 24. 5· and 2 Sam. 24. 10. his heart gives hirri no refi, till he hath made his peace withGod by renewed repentance ; and with man by refiitution, or other fatisfaction, as Zachem did. This is a certain evidence of .the lifeof grace within,' when fo fenfible of fin committed : Thus was David after his Joule :finnes, his iniquities were e11er inhu 9e, Pfal.s t.;. they.cofi himmany a teare, groane, yea they Be 3~8· mad(! himhouleout ere he had done, he made hi'S bed fwimwith tearet, his eye dimme withPfal.f" 1 weepins) and his jlejh abate with !~fling. The ' · · like