,. The tenJer Confcience•. Cap.12.like 'Yas to b~feen in Peter~afterhisfhamefull ---- denymgof hlsMafrer. . . Confeff. Au(fin tels us what a change he faw in 1D· 2 • c.,.. himfelf, after his converfion in refpetl:offin, a caflzt•- E .r. r d r.J· . • . ,~:, . H r: "d h tem d• cm.· · kar;z a rquan o Ja zarz ~n zn~:ru. e 1 a1 . e 1 inemiam, could nc:vetbave enoughof It, he <:ould have fed noli rn~- gone to hel to·fill his body With it; no bread d?,mtlebam tohim like thofebZHIV : And though hewas morbu~r. Wont fometimes to think of his finnes, yet concuj•t 1 cen· ll h" . , h h fi titt expleri a IS prayer was rat er~~ ave 1n ~ardon"' qJtam exrin- e.d.,then purgedandmott1fied: andh1s hearts gui. Co}1f. kc:ret with was, that his lufis might be fatif• . 1. 2. <;. 7• jtdrathertnen tcctinguijhed.' He did pray. in• : deed fometime.s for continency, and· victory: ovet hislufts, but hewas afraidhe fhoald be heard too ·footle. But after he' ha~put his hand up6n the holeofthe A{pe 1 andHad done. playingbeforethe (Joc~atricu Denne; he teh ·us what his fins caf.l: him : Theh he· had ' <,iwughof hell, Rodebar intu.r, & eonfundebar 'l){htmetJter)m&hrehvrri·bi!i,.quibki.J'mtentiarutll ~ vtrberzbuJftag~llavi animam tne'tim .?-· -" He tl1{n fth: as he faid, a:n inward.. '@'f.lttwo..:·• ingworme:within la.i'm, ·an.d ..afeatful:I ho~... rour of fhatrie fell upon him, that he.feH tiRe – with himU:if ';} · that he did chide ·~~ rattle~ himfelf tt>·rhepu:r.pofe in hisp"t.ivacy fotil'i-~ · fortne:r follj,aoo:toulemi&atd.ages•... ) , ·: • .. . ~. In refpect of fin not yet ·corrmii:Utd, He [ut1u-, and departifrom·e11i'il:; a\n<d.!ht:I·flls aUoe..: , ca:Gansand prto"toCa~i~ns leaclin:g to ilt5, Hf·~ · Gen. 3~: ~-.can 1yet~dto afij (t«h wi~~e~ atl, dnd fin.ag~~ ' Ged, faith Jofeph to Ins l}}lmO<kft Mtfir~ti~1 · who.m