'rhe tender Coiifoience• 163 ' "not fortb goodfruit if for. the ft.re ~ Thejlothfu!l Cap. I 2c fervant is called the em/ fer?J t~nt? an? for h1s , -– negligence fentcnced to Depnvauon firfr, Matt.2s~ and after tdDefl:ruetion, Ca(t the unprQfitable 2 6,3o. -fervant intu utter dar~nef.r. ' N? Negatlve Ho:. lineft, or Righteo'ufrtefs fuffiCieht to approve to God, though it may commend tomep~ There be as many prove Bankrupts in the Citie; and beggers in the Cotmtrey daily, through negative il-hmbandry, tiegleB:ing their Calling, Shops, Opportunities, as by profufee~pen[es. ' Hence you have it in the Proverb.F; That the idle perfon may take the great wafter by thehand;and call Mm brother. He alfo that i1jlotbf~l inhi4 bufinefi i1 brother tiJ - him that i1 agreat waJier,Prov. 18• 6. And as ~nany go to Hell daily through omiffionsof Vuties required,though theworld take little notice ofarty ft1ch danger, as by fouleft fins committed. - Sixthly, tHis Confdence you may ever know itby this, that it makes S)lle flie and avoid the common fin!; andprevailing err.1uri oftbe time.F. Nehemiab is a famous infiance, ~nd patt~rh of fuch a good Confc_ience : he faw Sabbath-Profanation, [wallowing tip thePrieflr Maintenance, aiid oppreffiveVfury were the fi11s ofthat frate and time : he [ets himfelfwith ail his might t ~v rejlrain tb't op. fencu, and reform the offender.F ib all thefe kindes. Fiiil: fo·r· the Sabl!ath-Pro1han!Jtitm; fee what aCovenant theymade Nehei0·3 t~ Tobuynothing whktf was brought tQ fell M 2 by