'11Je tender Co»fdence. Cap.~ 2~ ~ow foon did Nebuchadnezzar degtnerate ----· lnto a beafi by converfing with then,1 ; wh(n p;!n~4· he was driven from men, and had his dwdling among the wilde beafts of the earth ? Bury a n1ap in the earth, he foo~1 b~come~ €arth. JudM took no hurt among the Difci– ples, leaving theni, an_d going to the Higq PrieR:s, he was for ever lofr. Peter in thegar~ den took no hurt, in the palace was en!i1a~ red. Auftin tels howhis friend Alipiur ha-: ving refolved formerly againfr btholding rheir wicked plaies and fpOI~ts,once y~elding ,through importunitie of friends to go along (but witl~ a purpofe not ~o be a beholder, ; though he were upon the place) ·He wmt, he· fate down, h~ ftaid,be kept his eyes faft dofed, till at lafi hearing thelouc\ fhout and accla– Ulation of the p(ople h~ was not able to forbear opening his eyes, he returned a ldVeJ; of thofe vanities, whichS. Auflindid much Aug.Conf. bewail andla~1ent i.1,1 hi~1. Et. noj} €rat jam .t~ :ca'p.8. ilfequi venerat,fed umM' de turbaad .qu.;zm ven~7 '· ·' _r:.at. !i2::!_idplura l SNE1avit, c.latnavi~,exarfit, (i~n 34· \. . . I J,2• . t} - · l f · ,~b,rtulit fecum ind~ infa_niam, qua {fiJnltlaretu.r hdire, no~ ~;~m, illi1,fedp·r£ illu,& alios traheru,. ' How ~uany have utterly unqoue them-· .{elves, brought their fden.ds to.lbame and_ grid~ their fiates to beggery) their lives t9 \mtimdy e~ds, their foul& to hell, at.1d their poHeritie to i~1tamie by ~he wiclfed compa,- nie they hav;e kept ? t;10thi~1g fo iufe~iou,s ~s this, 1:10r hath made Dlore fall among men. P.i1!ab walking o~t to fee~he ~~ugh!- . · - · ter~ ..