fJhe tender C(Jnfcience. 169 . ters ofthe Hivites' and Sampfon to fee the Cap.I 2. daughters of the Fbiliftiner, neither of then,1 ~ . ,. returned fo well as they went out. And Judg.l4·1t again, Howman~by leaving Mini.fiers, Or- 2. , · dinapces, Affimblzng together, &c. have made themfelves a prey to feducers, and have been c·~rrupted ? They ~ent out from UJ, therefore; · i~ followes, they were not of ur, faith S.John ; for ifthey hadbeenof u.r , the_]. would no 4oub* have continued with uJ,&c. XJoh.2.{2• Eigh~hly, h.e muft not onely fly what is fjmply evil, bpt whatfoever hath a.n appeti"~' r(l.nce of evil: for fo are the Gofpel Prec~pts, 1 Thef.5.22~ Abft!tinfrom all appearance ofevil; . Fajbio11not your to ~he world, Rom.I 2.2. But be transform.ed fron\ them, 1;10t confor– med to them. Fhil.4.8. Whatfoever thin!¥ are p,rere, are honefl, are Prai[-'R)orthie, an4 of good repvrt, &c. Thefe are we con£ned to. By which Rnles we fee what to fay to many things not by Name exprefsly forbidden iQ. any place of Scripture, as Stage-plaie~, Dice, . Card1, mixt dancing, health! drinkj_ng, unfeem-: ly Hair,phantaftical attire. But by Confe~ quence fron1 thofe forenamed general Rules, and fi.1ch like, Have nofeUowjhip with unfrui~~ ful work.! of dark.._nefJ, but rath~ reprove them, f_-et not fornication, or uncle:zrmejJ, or covetoufnef~ ~e once named you' mither ftlthimfr' or- . foolijh tqlkjng, or jefting, which ltlre not crmveni- ~nt~&GEphef.s . 3,4,11· .. How precifely carefi.Ill were the Primi-. live C~ri~aJilS ~f doing, or ~pprovingh~ny . t ln§ / ' \