Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

I ! I I I \ ... . ofhis 'Tree,-andgatlleting'of:the frUit: He I fay, 'liath far'#torlgoiidby ~~is. 1:;r'le, · ~banh:e th'tit .cdn le-arnedly in any· lJ»gut~ge ' '4ifl1Jurfo ofit,andte1P}dAtthetPliyfic~1'fia– tureiJj'the fruit, .d~id-elin t~£f!l.f~efljou . his Age;Oefceiit,and ' to-an'Ineh~zve~,ou ··his Th~~kneife~ .~nd H..~!g~~~ ·~~d-le'll!,o~ . how many T·wtg~ ·ana Leav~·· ffoe'te ·are \upbn it, Jtnd hiJ~tHttfffJWtittqian"tippie., b,ufa/1 t'hi.(whil/'it iiilbne 'ofhi.r. · ~ , - so forely he ,' the 'htt:ppl·erf!!~n, who thp*gh fJefallf!Ji)'t:t~tn\vftttfer· (Jypart:s, · 1 et if be .~he ~iin ·.th~! lo'tJfi'i ·tfFhi-t·con(ci– . clue, and, 11tinds thllt. · • . · ~,~ :· · · . · · confi!ience i.r the 1urrime"oflh~~wnc1e ikatter, it iiihe.,.foturir Oei;and·Jhe':!fo– ~ · tum-Mominis too-~ ·Fitft it ,i.r th~\Totum · Dei, th~'wholechargetifQo'd,and:liiich1ef . 1\ge~h~~conftience_n~*tto theSon:;t ndSpi– rit;~nd.WordofOo'd, "i{t'nvefled'w£1~ the · greilt4Ji'A.utkori !J~a'!dbj-Divirl€!Jnfiitu– tion hi} He~d ts'litt~d above·allli1s Fel– ., .a'!d ·.hi.r- Tnrbneas J~boia.kiins · , i11 the ·day r;f 'hi.r. Enlargin1ent_above-t~O otber• TI~rones ande"t{rthly'] is Gods~greatefiOffiter anaVice~gtr-el)t, fei byh~m ~~- b~ ( ~s it :were ) thyAngell, .i'. t:epet,.l\lkmltt)r,Remetl},brancer;~ing, Prop~et,Witneife~Examiner,Jridge,Jea, . . . ' thJ