'(heContents~ Sevennotes ofan liQI_let\ Confci~ncc, · p: l 24' C H A1P.. ~ lit ~ · ofrhe rtffider €orlfciente. V· · ~~,.. Ad6rlble rendernefs} ' ' SinfuH a~d-d~t~fe'd. p~' Ij z, ofConfcien'ce. . La~full an1 Sound: · Fivl! kinds of difeafedand faulty rendernefs. P: I j z.t ~l. RigHt tenderndfe refpetts. ·r. God. 2· Others. 3· Our_ felves. P· 140. :r. 'Fendetne1fe in refpee¥ofGod, feen· in·fix diings-. p. 141· z. In refpe8: of. Men~ 1. To all Godly in g_eneraJl., 2. Weaker ones among them efpecially.~To all menwhat· · foever. 4· To thofe who are related to us. (prh,cipally.. · - p. tSI· &seq.u. 3~ In refpe8: ofour felves, this tenderneffe feen in t4~ Notes. ,· p. IS7· &&qll•. , CHAP. XIII. Qf the paffive, or futfering Confcience~ p. 1~r~, . Foure forts of finfull & uncomforrable fufferings.p.187.. ~ix markes ofhonourable and confcientious fuftering. P· I·Bg. CHAP. XIV. ' ' Of the Con.fcienceofCharicy· ·p. t94· 'eh . t . -fofd{Externall or civill p. t9S· amy wo Ecclefiaftkallor chriftian. I· ·Externall c amy reTh N . hb · h . ,. }ThePoore. f lteth . . e e1g our. pe Our Enemy. To the poor is tobefhewed cl1arityofbeneficence.p.•l9~ To th~ Neighbour, acharity of benevolence. p. 19,9· To an Enemy, the charity of forgivenef~. p. 2oo. z• Ec"Iefiafticall or Chriftiancharity the mQre excel· lent. p. 2GI. ~n what it is to be !hewed. · p. 202. th~great and dolefallwan~ofit in·thefe times.p.2.o6. , . . . . . . . . CHJtP. I