Me tint to e{cape a hadconftience 3.8 5 . ·Take heed your hearts be notfu,.ch~rgedCap.25" w~th cart~ of the wo~ld, · an~~eceitfulneffe ofLu. :u. 34 : Riches as well aswzth furfoHmg anddrun~n.:. rzeffe. . More go ,tohell that ar~ the worlds I good hutbands; buying; felling; building, plant..- irig, &c~ . than of~jrlrj, hlajphemie; buggtry; incefl,'Atheifme, and. malicious dejpightingth~ Sp~rit ofGrace. Thefe are no light fins, they . were ~slldomes ftnr. Th~s is no Gofpelllife, it was the lifeofthe oldworldwhomGod de;.; firoyed. The .,.;orlds befi h~sbandsare corn:.. tnonly heavensworft husbaiids. The pen• ny arid ·Earthly · ~ife , is the pound and . the · Pear~•foolijb. · How feldome are thofe wife t:p· Sa_lvat_ion, who are foover•wlfe in ·their Generation. ·· , ·· ' · ' · , F1n<;tlly take heed, and agairi I fay take heed ofan erronel).sConfcience• This is ih• -; d~edas t~e wild~fire in the fianding corn; ·or as Samp{orzt Fq:l{es .with theirfii'e.:.brands ' . . . ~ .. · in :theii:· tails : Tliefe areas.the ~ild Boar; or as:.the tave~ing l3ear. No ffopp~hg this Fa.ol in his folly.- · A' wild Affi ufed to tbe wil- ., aernelfe~ ~hat (nuffe!h up the wind at her pleafure, Jer. 2'2·~ ~n hef oc~a.Jinn 'who CtJn turn her ~way ·t r ' Satil, wher1 ah erroneous zealous Ph~ri{et~tfiought rio better· fe.rVi=c'e, ceu1dbe done to God; . than tomakehavockoftheChri!Hari$. This .Aiexli,nder and Hymen~~~ w_hai: Herefies did '~: ·• they broachati:'er they-once fell away! and becaufe 'they foundnot Paul asvtrtiginorM 8t imitableas thell_lfdv~s; 'they hate, defame) · * ~.nd perfecutehis ·p~rfon, andblafphemehis , · · ·! · _ l. • . C c Dotl:rin~.