Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

C:lp .. 2)· Doll:rine.Oh how faa-~ilglitit.i-s-to ~li@ld, ~ ... ma~y'~_pe!ll~ .Pro~~ar~ formf{~y .: · ter they a~e o~c~ leav~,Il.(_g! w~th..tP;~ leaven oft~~~~~rif~~t4<6'o/ d~ t_h~}I f\n t_~eir ~earts undervalue ~-~·d co:r..teqtn , an.q &~. may be in their fpeec~ <;l{>e~ly; icry OUG of:,: and ' kek to put al~ the <J~ig~C\~~ a,nd di{efiti~ upon r~c~ Jaith~Il .Mini~ers,whqT.JbtP1!11t_elves qid mofi}~e ~n.d prize,}u_dgi~g thefi? w0rt11y of th,eJ;L·:. YJtry.. ey,e$_ · ~I}; - ~h~IJ; head;. . 0~ . th~ .upf~yp!if;r, (alt of Ef})~~ ! b~w dp~~ i~ infatt:I~tt: .~~tld difi~,{\~y~M~JJ dung, ull.u: ~~ cail Ol!~Jq the r<;iunghJ.h:~. -/ ·' · Po{J~:t nze It isadolefLtll fl:ory 11 thatpfPa/.~~~.wen#- . :::~ti-9ntd b~[o~. ; wl_lo; h~v~g\ b~e~ . f~uelJln.d 4nRs~!! zea~ous 1n the true profcipon.In ;t~ .. Jl)l~f ~f eft, !icenti· Jul:a:n0 y~~,~~p~~f.? ·~a41113 cmnihiMving marrie4- an Arr!a'!Jvy~fe_; a'!~b,e!m~Sle~'* dulit [M · luded and inchanted: with Eudoxius-an Ar– fo.('ra ~elerian Bi(hqp' :he foon·coo}'ed in hi~ iff4tf~ !Jr~Sndt t.en- · ' ' '· ·•· · • • · · h tibur,tte Jw.- ons, ai},4;f0 .f}~gge~e41J\l. ~}$ J~clg~_~len~,,~ ~t tlm,n« · they ~14 J_~o~ 1~11 \fbJl'J t-<?:~a~e.o(\1~11:1? ~c r.on. cmnihur was ndt:her Fijb nor Flefl?,~n.either :A,r~~*'!'!:J'!ar h~treiic!i' C~riflj~n.·. :.BiJt aft_~r J:l.e.. f.e.IJ.· wh?lJyl~hi$ ;:~t~~~ Rdigi?~_,.anqgave tol~r:at~~p tQ ~ll~~~r. J ovinianrt <:f!'-ehgi,S)n.s·~ to every .~_uonJ~~S..~Jttfif~ deflru8ar hgwn )JurJ:aifm; Pag~nifr¥!. ;· aU· ~dg~m~ ·reflor:rar: and vvh:at( wick_t;d' _pra.Cl:ifes,_\f~~d?Ff~ 1m~ijfir~ tn!tted fr.~~Iy;, <:>nely. t9 pre~c~ a-n4,\Rf·C{f?~ ~~:~~~t;,J,· t.he A'poftolick. doltrine p~o~ibited ~·'! ·~~~~qr fti Cereri[q; [acra non in DWfito c~le.hrabtnh ft4P~r·media~ !Jl4it~·J.?#.-7 ch:mtesnhiq; culfoahtmt : ~ curn tllrs folum, t1fVlZ.lf¥mfe,r#J~~ 9.1i~ 4"': po/f~liam diih'£dic•r~ vid1iant~r.. ~hcod.J.~.~~2.~t~ ~ ~" ., L,, . , · Pcrrccutor "' .