Periecritor he proved,andat lafr renouncing. Ca p.l .5 God, io the Oracle he weht to enquireof --– theDevll who lhoi.tld be his Si.itceffor. 1 · 2. Tbdraw to an ehd. Theothetpartof the Exhortation cohcerils the Adinifter par– ticularly. The Text being a chargeor ex– hortatioh troii1 aMinifier to a Minzfter,from Paul to Timothy, to hold_Faith ahdagood Confdence~ · · \VhiChtheMiriitler niuft ., I I · Pe~fon~lly. ,; I .make good S 2. Doolirmally; - . .He mufi h~ a mci hofConfoience for his per:.: foi1, a mapfor Confcience ihhis dofrtine.. . . t. In hiS perfonal c.zrriage he mtift be Cott.: . fciehtious,tliat he tnay be ah exernplarypat~ ~ern to his flock. Ifhe be thus a Burnin~iigh!,_ he lhall alfo be a ~hining light t<;> others.The Minifter mi:lft Hriv~ to excel othhs ih every 'fpir1tual gift; in this,(£pedally. , ACity (et on a hilt cannot be hid : He mdft fo walk " that they niay fee the law id hiJ [fepJ as well as i·h hls lip!. He Is to be as di~· sun, tli,e light of the inferiour · wo,rld' is therefore to · mo~e regularly, freadily; uhiforn1Iy, tha~ the. Dials and Clocks belo·w ·may be fet · tight,) W~eil theygo a~ongWith thls ~UI1; . It js· faid th<1:t ~othingctits the Diamond; 'hut the Di.zmond ; I am fi1re none is fo fit to \vor~ :Lipoil the ConfcieJ)ce ofaman,as _the mar! . Of C~nfoience. . . . . _ · · :Dfe minifiers lips. then illuJi: difperte. .. ~c 2 . · knowledge ' ' ·. f. ' . .. ·