. ~~~ Item Jo Hymen~us. cip~25· thep they -hav~ beep fuch~a~- were firft ap- – pr9vedby theCh~rch; apq fecopdly,fu!:h as being once made Chur~h-D,len , cea~ f,,lafter to be Secul'\r, ~ither Tradr:f-men, or St11tes-rnen; TP.ey migh~ not we~r tWQ Pe civ.Dei.l. Swordr, and (erve two callings ;· much .r .c.3S· leffe, a~ Auftin faid of fome, Medo 'Ihea– Jn greg~·ouJ . et tra, medo Eccle.fias rep/ere. They nmfi: be tJrm;t:rzs ~n~s mep of approy~q Grayhy and Holineife & ta~~U-H~r- · · • ~ • · , pore et ttnim?fl· andme~ofcopfidera?Ie ab1ht1~s. .t\~1~ng 'tare prefi.antror tp~ brp,It-peafis ( fa1d one compl~t-nn,1g tt!ios an~ecedi~, qflikeqiforder) tP.ere is none dot\.l.lead IJom~ _vero ~t~l- and rule but the firopger and morege~ ualr~ bejftaltor ' d {h 11 h h' h h l n:. f i t irdi[creti• nerous :. an a e t at .at eau o it~~~: audaciut, skill and Confcience, ta~e upon him tQ prt~e~ pr4fu-. lead and teach ·men ? Naz.ianzene fadly m,it,qusn_ro mz~ cotnplaipeq t4a~~ tqe Miniil:ery was more 11~s ~e vmutum clifhonoure<l than any other calling: nort~ ttrult.r, aut Id k · h' b ·p · . \ cen(cientitt fin· wqu ta . e qpoq tm to ~a amter, or ferit«ttc.onft· a Taylor, but he who was infiruB:ediq -~ir.P~trm Ble- t4ofe Arts , arid haq ferve<f. his time in (en~~~ learning. But, faith he, fhaH 'any fl:ep to the Minifiery•dl at once. N~n el~beratu.r1 fod recens fimul {ati.r, et prov~llur qf4emadmo- ' . 4umGigante.rfim;erunt Po.~t~. Vno die (anlio..f. , ftngim~s eof~ fapiente.r ~~ frudi~os effe j~be- ·f!JuJ, q~i ni~ildidicerunt, nee_a,dfacerdotium qZJticquam ant~ cont~lerunt quam ipfom veU~. Shall 4 Sait;zt of a few 4ayesfl~1lding hep~# into ·tbe Mini{lery, whr/brings noother com– p.zmdalions to .his war~s, hut onely abare·gqorJ wiU,a~4·a?f impul[e ofapriv~teJPirit, ]eta,~~ · often