Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

.A~ exhortation to the Min,ifler. 397 receive it into.thy bowels, then Prophecy. To Cap.25. ftudy Book<. makes the Scbeller. To iludy Men makes the States-man• To fiugy the 1(imes makes the Politician. To fiudy thy .Canfcience makes the good .Chriftian. To fiudy tbiTil own Confcicnce 1 firil,and then ·thy perJplu , makes the able ~ndaccom– pli!h~d· Misifl~r. . - . . . . .. J, Elt.R.A1A~ P Ag. 2. 2 ._lid. 3 2· for_ Uniformity rtadUnanimity2 p. I q6.m t6e margm, re~d, Sed Pharif:~:j 11.on funt infirmi,fed malitiefi calumniarores,perrinace£·n~hrukme5JubetDominus ne de eorum fcand~l9,ftnUo~ licid. ·Orher miftllkgs wilt not tmtcb dijiu~i zl!e. (eu/e; what tbey be, eithtrpardM (JT 4J?fi'Jtfl. • .-' "~ \ ' ' '- .. l' ' ' . " / .) .,