Sheffeild - Houston-Packer Collection BJ1471 .S5 1650

1.,hegood Confcience, t~'e.ftrongifl Hold. ----- ;.~ .........____ . - -- ___ ......___.;_ _.:...._..... ·---- --- good warfare, v. 18._And to prevent t~is e:Vill jhipwracke, v. 19.• 1tmmthy thy ~harge. Is, that thou war agoodwar~are ; thy duty Is .to get, . ' keep<:, u[.e two weapom efpeci~~lly, Fai!h,.and ;t goodConfcience;ge,t both or netther,fatth In th\! · onehand, good Confcience in the other; thou {' haft many enemies to refifi: and- fighJ;: with, ,thoumufr ufe bothhands,not f aitb atone,with– out good Confdence) porgo.od confoienceq/one without Faith; Bothmake thee ce>mpleately armed, aud will make theemore then a Con– queror; But holdth~m fait, throw down nei– ther, but fhould thy weapons be beaten through violence of perfecution to thyhead, never fuffer t~em throu_gh cowardize to be beaten out of thy h~t,nqs~. .. The latter efpeti&Uly he giveth charge ab.ovt, vi~. agood confcience; without this, if thou fhouldefr ·beall faith,all faith cannot fave thee, nor faye it felfe, without thiJ fecond, good confcience ; But faith either fl andJ orfwimi with a goodConfdence, or falls tmd jin~1 with a 6ad Confcicnce. Hence the point in– ~cnded is: In the moftPerillouJ t.empejf1 ofcorrupt and dan· gerouJ times,wherein we oftenfoe others lofing their ' Livu, their (7raeu1> their Comfort!, their former Peace, ~heir future hopes, that our Jelve.r mqy not eternally mifcarry, .~ and /qofe all we have on earth forGrace,anc/ comfort;an.d all we ltJo~for inheaven, for glory and bapp_ineji; Our continual/ care mujl' be fo g~t and k.fepe~ to h:rpi q.?:d hold faith ~nil agood rl)nj()ence. If Ob f. . ' - / ; '