what cin(cience if~~ Cap.r~ I'j innerpart.r oftht Belly , , and the fecretS of the heart,and is becon1e a di[coverer of the fecret· thoughts, nothing being \lid from the view ofthefetwoheart-(e.zrchtrJ. What is Cohfei– ('nce oth;:r then the hewing and fquaring our Tables according to the Tables delivered to us ffom the hand ofGod ? ' ' A1 it i1 reportedMr. Bur– '-' ofBolejlauJ King of PolJ.nd, who1ejed to wearf rough.r, Md· ''the Pi{fure ef hiJ Father in a plate fJj Gold[e1 !dfedt– '~ btJnging .Jbout his nee~ and whenfotver he was nJall, P~39 ''to do, orJPeaf<.!. any thirtgof importancehewould ' · "ta~ehis Piliureand kJJJing it fay; De.:tre 'Fa. ' ' lher I wi{b I may not do any thivg remijfoly u~ · '~worthy ~fthy name &c. So Confdence frill hath a remembrance of God before his eyes, ana when any thing is to be done; faith, , Lord, G_iv; m~ to ~~lk.! ~(lf'thy ef God:o.alt Plea- Col. 1 • 10~ fing,fruztjull zn everygood work.!.· Thu zt t!J !J:zve ourwork_lto bewrought in God. Jo. 3.21. J4rJd ar in the ftgbt of God, 2 Cor. 2. ult. · 2 6mfcire i! cum foipfO fcire aut con[entire)Cot1fcience is the knowitlg of a man with himfelft;, . Co~fcience maketh an identity in the fame Cor 'q~afld/1 man throughout. Hence it is that Bernard fe ~~'rJu apfi 11 c ,/, • • c d. s • • l iCl pe l QtU1 o ten ea s on; cttntza or u czentz a, VY 1en confcientifl~' the head and heart are agreed. Knowledg in qua11do pr~~ the heaclalone, is hardy Science, oft fo falfely ter ft _alia called. Knowledge in the heart to·o, is then iCJemza. Co1Jfoience rightly f0 ijcalled. In this refpe8: I Bem. may fay, Let tby ri~ht hand k.._now, whatfoever 1 , tl9) left handdoth. Thy het!rt mr:eft lye et t thy right. Ec · 10 : 2 hand, yea and lye ne.-zre thy m'Juth too :That is to fay, to Weigh, Trye 1 Examine; Obferve; Order all that thy mouth fpeaketh, or ~and C a&cth, ;