) A GOOD CONSCIEN'CE ' THE Strongefl: l-Iold'. ATr.eatife of Confcience, handli1zg . ~ ~~~re~ of Con· ~- . ~ ~~~~tk~~~ns ~ ofgood ,The Offices fcience. The firoperrks ' ,· Coi'lfcience. Ufe .. Seyera!l forts · .~ h~ ~~~~t~cy~ of f~~c.h a ~Tt. ~ ~:~;~;sr~okng:; ~ir. T e Unhty Conk1ence. \le . · Happinefs Neanes ~o keep By J o H N S H Ji F 1: E 1 L n, Minifrer of ' Swphilu L o N 'D oN. AB:s 24- 1 6. Andherein do I exercife myfilf,to have aCon– fcience vo,idofoffince tow.1rd God, t$niltorv3,rdmm. ' ' Difcamus in tetra, quorum fcientia perfeveret in Ccrlo· Hit'r~m. adPaul. · Scientid int1ar, chariras :rdificat; Confcienti'a \'ero maxima cum Religione dt a:dificanda. Ames. L .0 N D 0 N, Printed-by J.B.tor SAMuELG ·.E; L L 1BRAND , at the B1\ L ;, iu Pal~IJ Church-yard. 1 65o. I '