.The Offices ofConfcience. Cap. 4- bet~ prophet,: Con_fcienc~ fhall be to me in -•, fiead of amouth, fatth God, and to thee in c fc. ·aead of God, as Mo(e1 was toAaron,Exo-4.16. ~~c~s;ctConfciences fecond office is Regall,or Ma– .:~11 0ffi~~. g'ijlratuall, -a higher office then the former. · •Confdence hath a commanding, and legifla· tive power to binde even kings in chains,and nobles with fetters of iron. He is thy Perpe... · 1umDiUator, whofe di8:ates are Laws ; They mre a Jaw to thcmfelvu_, R,m. 2 .-t 4· T his king may neither be dep~led., nor t tfifled, but ever informed, c~unfelled, and treatedwith, and theR everobe.yeJas Gods vicegerent. Whofoever caft off the imperial! commands of confdence, God faith to them as he did to Samuel con– cerning l!i·ael,I Sam.S.7.1hey have net r~tlled thee, hut they ha;~e reje[iedme, that I fhn~ldmt reigne tJver them. God giveth to confdencea larg.: Commiffion, and faith to it,.· as toEiiakim in the day of his invefliture in his office, I will clothe thee with anewrobe, andcommit ~he ,government i njl thy hand ; The k.._ey of the hou[e of VAVid will I tay Qn thy fooulders ; Thou fhalt p, ut, and notJe JhaO open ; thouJbalt rflpen,and nnmfhall (hut, I[ay 12.2 1,22 . What confdence peremptorily commands, or forbids, is more . . to agodly man, th'en what Kings, or States eo_nfcuntza command~ And the religious man refolveth mzJJ' ·i!/~e· rather to d~(obey .~ny rinjuPc commands of f:;:. l Kings or States , and-fa.ll under any.difplea· . fure of men, then to g~againfi thedictates of his own rightly inform'ed <..onfcience. We 1>41l. J ·I6 • are uo1 carefutl, .OKing, to. anfwertheeintbiJ "Uitar