----- - -- ----- :r'he'Parable ofthe -. Chrift not to Judge by the work, is J:irlt not cc judge iro-:n a wo:d.- For rhou"h there is .a word which m~y give amm de1end.mce on Cbri11, widJ:Jut fcding ,1~y work, nay 1yhe~ be feels none, as abfolme pro:nif~;, yet no wo:·d giving allur,mce, b_ur that whic~ IS made to fome work, He thatbelreveth '· or u poor in /pi; it, &c. . nU tlur work IS fcen, bath no a!Iural'lce fro:n char Promife. Tdl him God b.1rh I ·i ptOlll!fed ro pourclean_water, E.oe~ 36. Yes for fome, noc for me. Secondly, 'ri; I nor to Judge by the _Spmr, for the Apoflle ma~e; rhe earndl: of the Sprit ro be rhe Seal; now earnefl: Is part of the money bargained for, the hcgumin" of Hem~n I 1 of the light and life of it: He that fee; nor the Lord is his by dm, f~g; no God hi; /at all: Oh therefore do nor look for aSfirir without aword ro reveal, nor aword I ro revealwirhout feeing and feeling oHome we;-k fir/1 , I thank the Lord I do bur I piety rhofethat think arherwifC': ifa !beep of Chri!t, Ohw.mder nor. 06. But r : flave waired long for this. Anf. True, therefore more need to w.1ic tlill it may I be now 'ris nor far off. Ob. Oh but it m.1y be he will nor, ifl knew rha~ I could I be quiet. Anfw. Down proud heart , Oh take heed of rh.1r pr-ide : arc· nor IYor_ thy pever to hear. avoice from Go~? Befilenr then, and bumble, and now hear 1 Wbar rhe Lord will fay, he fpeaks 111 a !hi! VOice, Pfalm 85. 8. do as rhey 111 char l Pfalm did ; Thou haft done rhus and rhus , Oh he1r. us, rum us, and then lie Hill and liflen: Oh do rhus, elfe you make God a lyar if the word co~ne>, r John , 5. Io, II. and now when thou halt him, Ohch.mge him nor. I Firfl:, What doH 1:nnt, and where wi.kgo r~ fi1:d it but there ? any cre.lture;, and all the excellencie; of the~n are there , and m ume of trouble he will be in11ead of all, and ~lfo ble!Ie all. Secondly, Dol1wanrGr.JCe to honour a God? iris in him the fulne!Ie of it. DoH wam God and his love? thou h.1ft him , and now all his love, his care · his wifdom is thine. Oh wonder ac thy lot and portion, :ind C1y, Lord I have en~ugh.l Thus much of the firH Doetrine. CHAP. X. .SherPin,g th.1t Tr.ue 73elie11ers-· do rvith hope expeEl the Second (oming of (hriH. SECT. I. Now they go forth by{ DH~~e } Of Him and. his Coming. - e.1re I THat the Church and People of God afttr they are truly Efpoufed to Chrift, l and made in MJ menfure read! for Chrift , theJ no»/ are no more •f thu I world, but lo•lz out of it , ana veri'J expe[f the Second Coming, and Gloriom AFfearing of.Chrijl._ . . . 'Tis true, they look for bts comtng and company at rhe !all penod of their hfe, butthis they look upon bur as rheir welco:ne in the way, unci! rhe l.1{l: Trump l11all blow, and that they lhall meet the Lord_in rhecloudsofrhe Aire, r Thef. 4· r 8. which is the l.afl: and chief rime of his Coming rhey look out for. The Five Wi~e Virgins did here verily look for hi_m; the Fiye Foolifi: feemingly did fo too: That look as it was before rhe firH Commg ofChnH, all their thoughts and fearchino~ of heart were after t~-day, and time, and glory of it, I Pet. I. I o, I r. A~<d rh~ nearer His Coming was , rhe more arden~ly was he expeeted : ~en re fuch flocking to ]ohm Minill:ry. Hence Simeon w.uced long for r~e confo!atron of Jji-ael. So the Efpoufed and Beloved of the Lord looks out for hts co:nmg now. He · , bath left them as Orphans in rhis world, he bath divers of his Eleet yet to bring i _ home, ·i