Shepard - BT378 T4 S44 1660

Ufe z. The '1.) arable of the For two great things !hall be at that day. Firft, Then alltheEleet fhallhavetheirfilloflove. Smndly, Triumph in Chrilt when in the clouds with him. Have they not the firfl: here~ RGm·5·5· The feeling of which love cannot be aFancy, fo: it cannot concetve of it nor hold it. This is an infinite love , and that in rhe midlt of the lence of fin and death.That man'l: times they are even fain to fay,Lord hold•. 2. Tnumph, Rom. 5·3· and thaon affhchop~, which make the:n by expenence fo to feel God m parn, that they tnumph for ttme to come. 'Ti; true at times they look down the Tower , and fo tremble, but while they look up here, then they triumph, having acceffe to rhe Grace wherein they !land, So then look for it, there !hall befuch a day, and fuch a coming of Chri{l, Rev.t.7. The Father bath exalred the Son to ineffable Glory. But Lord ! Who fees him as thefe, in his Glory, orro come forth out of his Glory? 'Tis but Table-talk. Burbeholdhecomes, and ev:r-Jeye [hall f~e him. The brd pities you, and holds out bowels of love, and Fmh; Oh recetve me, Oh cafl: away rhofe blo~dy kni,·e, that have pierced me; and fends his good Spirit like his hand to draw you. But Oh do you nor kick his bowels,do you not pierce his hmds and feet daily?And when you have done no tears! But he cometh,and you that pierce him !hall tee him,& c. Confider of it therefore you that doubt of this, you chat think nor of this, and hcmce live and lie in your lufis, and defpife him. Behold he comerh! SECT. IV. HEnce behold rhe happineffe of all them that be e!poufed ro the Lord Jefus, in that their hopes are laid up in another world, at the day of the coming of the Lord]efus, I Cor.I 5·I9· Ifwe hadhopeonlyin thu life, we were of all men moft mifmzble. Becaufe none fo fooli!h, or fo fenl.ibleof mifery as they, but our hopes 11retch m another life, to the fecond coming of the Lord Jefus Chrill. Suppofe a man had all the Crowns of the world caH at his feer, but at laH to be dragged before the judgment-feat of (;hri!l, and there to !land quaking, Wh 1t ihoukl he be the better ? Wh.i't though Saints have all tht; mife:ies in this W?rld, bur at lall with the(e e7es theJ fhall fee the Lord, and Hand mumphmg before htm, and have a real light and certain expeCtation of this. What people in rhe world fo great as thefe? what do thry wait-andexpetlfor? Great things which may aHonifh the \V hole Creation. I. They look for him to chanee their vile bodies, that this their Husband at the marriage day il1ould rake awa{thefe rags,& mal<.! them likf unto hisGloriom boTh is w2s p~co- dy, brighrerrhan the Sun ; fo that burn them, cut them to peices, ( as fome by chcd abouuhc the Indians have been, Lord help! ) they fee ClmH loves both, and hence holds t•mc ot the fword and foul in one hand, and fcabberd in another, &c. Pequot wars. z. 'They expeCl: he fhould take away all their fins, and make them like unto himfelf, enarave on their fouls perfecl:ly his own Image, thau their enemies they feel now, they looktheyfhallneverfeethemmore. I John 3.2. And as no evil like it, no mercy like this; and no evil to Saints like this, that yet they !hould grieve the heart offuch a Husband. ' !· 3. They look he fhould take away all forrows a~d tears from them, for this the · Lord promi!eth, and begins to execute now, b.ut 1t ihall be perfeCl:e~ t_hen, I fa. 25.8,9. And hence called thetimes 9f rifrefhmg, A&q.I9,2o. Tlsrrue the Spoufe and Church is now forrowful to the very heart many rime>, but there is a rime coming that rhey !hall never farrow more. 4· They look he lhould take away all fhame from rhem. For no people in the world loaden with more calumnies and reproaches by the wicked and by ~ypocrues,